Two-Spirit Spirituality Revisited

dreamstime_l_8136471 Two-Spirit Symbol 2

It feels like a good time to repost this piece which I published February 2014.

I have known for a very long time about the tradition of gender-variant shaman among Native American peoples primarily in North America, and recently I felt moved to research further.  This poem is the fruit of my research and prayer.  I dedicate it to my dear friend Jim, the extroverted gay mystic, who gave this gift at the hardest of times to a church which could not receive it.


photo credit:  ID 8136471 © Njnightsky | Dreamstime.c


An Outstanding TED TALK about gender variance:

Two Spirit: The Story of a Movement Unfolds – Native Peoples – May-June 2014 – Native Peoples

4 thoughts on “Two-Spirit Spirituality Revisited

  1. This post is achingly beautiful. This line chokes me up, ” I dedicate it to my dear friend Jim, the extroverted gay mystic, who gave this gift at the hardest of times to a church which could not receive it.”


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