Bless the Darkness

winters cloak pic

This poem comes to us from Joyce Rupp, a sister of the Servite order who clearly does her own spiritual work.  I post it here because we are in January, heading into February, the doldrums of winter.  As I create this post the Pacific Northwest of America is locked in a fierce storm, with 60 mph wind gusts and driving rain.  Instead of cursing the dark, Joyce encourages us to embrace it.  It is what it is, and out of it light can emerge.  You can find a list of her books and tapes at

Winter’s Cloak

This year I do not want
the dark to leave me.
I need its wrap
of silent stillness,
its cloak
of long lasting embrace.
Too much light
has pulled away
from the chamber of gestation.

Let the dawns
come late, let the sunsets
arrive early,
let the evenings
extend themselves
while I lean into
the abyss of my being.

Let me lie in the cave
of my soul,
for too much light
blinds me,
steals the source of revelation.

Let me seek solace
in the empty places
of winter’s passage,
those vast dark nights
that never fail to shelter me.

by Joyce Rupp from The Circle of Life

7 thoughts on “Bless the Darkness

    • Good. I must research weather in Cyprus. I have a hard time imaging “dark ” there. You could write something about winter there!

      Sent from my Kindle Fire



  1. Love this! I embrace each season and love living that rhythm. How beautifully the resting season of Winter is captured here. Thank you. 😉


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